Hi ya'll! ♥
I am so happy to tell you all that I am now employed by American Apparel. Although my feet hurt, working has made everything a bit better, safe to say. My closet will soon be full with clothing from American Apparel being that we have to wear their clothing head to toe and I am so excited!
Although I'll be spending most of the week working, I will not let that get in the way of blogging! This is a perfect example. I took a 15 minute break and my co-worker was kind enough to snap these amazing pictures of me! Thanks Quinn! XO
Shirt: American Apparel
Sweater: American Apparel
Pants: American Apparel
Belt: American Apparel
Belt: American Apparel
Sneakers: Adidas
Thank you for reading!
-RDM ♥
Photography by Quinn F.
What do you think?