Hi loves!
The weather was absolutely beautiful today! Fall is creeping in right around the corner, and although I am not ready to let go of summer-- I am so excited!!
Today was a really great day for me. My friend Tanya is in town for a few days and I decided to take her to Harlem since she's never been. We did a bit of shopping at the african market (my favoriteeee) went to the Apollo and ate at this really good buffet style restaurant.
Now y'all know how much I love the 80's. Oversized double breasted blazers were a staple in the 80s. I saw this blazer at the goodwill and literally fell in love with it as soon as I saw it!
Shirt: H&M
Blazer: Vintage
Jeans: Vintage
Shoes: Vintage
Necktie: Vintage
Belt: Vintage
Photography by Tonya.
What do you think?