Spring Rain

Today has been a rainy Saturday! 
Shirt: H&M
Sneakers: Target

Sweet Spring

Yesterday was such a good day! I just love spring time ♥
Shirt: GAP
Jeans: PacSun
Sandals: Thrifted
Shades: Franco Sarto
Belt: Thrifted
Bag: Thrifted

You are Blackgold

This morning was very rainy, so I decided to throw on sweat pants and  dress them up. I was in such a good mood today, I could not stop laughing! 
Shirt: H&M
Pants: Forever21
Blazer: Stafford
Shoes: Bass

Such a great song! 

J. Crew Spring 2013

I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH J. CREW Spring 2013 collection!  The pieces are amazing, and the styling is just the cherry on top! I am so obsessed! 

I feel so blessed and honored to have been chosen to take Yaniris' pregnancy photos! I had so much fun today. LORD thank you for blessing me, I ask and I pray that you give courage and strength to Yaniris and other woman in their time of pregnancy. May your loving grace be always with them! Amen.

That 70's Store

If you are into 70's clothing or maybe even looking for a funky piece to add to your collection, this is the store for you! The things are great, and the prices are reasonable. Suzanne (Owner) is really friendly, so if you happen to be in the neighborhood stop by and say hello. The store is very welcoming, and a good place to hang out. Suzanne had a dance off yesterday and the winner got to chose whatever item they wanted from the store, which is soooo cool! She also had refreshments, seriously guys, this store is great! 
137 Montrose Avenue
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

Sunday Funday

Shirt: GAP
Pants: Forever21
Shoes: American Apparel
Shades: Franco Sarto
Tie: My Dad's
Belt: Forever21
Cardigan: Thrifted
Bag: Thrifted
Congratulations Yaniris! Wish you and baby Isabel the best.

Shirt: Gap
Jeans: Abercrombie & Fitch
Shoes: Fabco
Shades: Franco Sarto
Scarf: Old Navy
Belt: Fabco
Watch: Giorgio Milano
Bag: Thrifted
I've been up since early this morning running errands, and pampering myself. I happened to stop by this new restaurant that just opened by my house, it it so cool! I loved it ♥ Check them out. Happy Saturday and stay Fashionable! 
Like them on Facebook:

I did this spring look a while ago and forgot to post it up. 
Cardigan: Forever21
Pants: American Apparel
Shoes: H&M
Belt: American Apparel
Watch: Giorgio Milano
Bag: Forever21

Shirt: H&M
Cardigan: Forever21
Pants: Forever21
Sneakers: Converse
Bag: Thrifted

Today after school my friend and I decided to get on the Ferry since it was such a beautiful day! 
T-Shirt: Old Navy
Shirt: Thrifted
Pants: Thrifted
Shoes: American Apparel
Bag: Thrifted

Today was such a long busy day! I am so exhausted. 
Shirt: Thrifted
Pants: H&M
Shoes: Fabco
Belt: Fabco
Bag: Thrifted

Today is such a nice day! It is finally starting to feel like spring... FINALLY! I am hanging out with a good friend of mine today and we probably will be doing a lot of walking on a nice day like this. This is a very comfortable, simple yet chic look. 
Shirt: H&M
Cardigan: H&M
Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: Fabco
Scarf: Forever21
Bag: Thrifted

Shirt: GAP
Blazer: Stafford
Jeans: PacSun
Shoes: Bass
Shades: American Apparel
Tie: My Dad's
Clutch: Thrifted
Watch: Giorgio Milano

Today was such a long, yet amazing day. Lately I've been scouting around for some inspiration and for something new. It's been a while since I go to my hometown (Washington Heights) but I am so happy I went today! I always walked by this store but never bothered to walk inside, but today I did and I loved it! I fell in love with like every piece inside! I totally recommend this store for all my guys. 
Check them out:
714 W. 181 st
New York, NY 10033
212- 923-9153

It's April!

Shirt: Tommy Hilfiger
Pants: American Apparel
Shoes: Thrifted
Belt: Forever21

Happy Easter everyone!

Shirt: Thrifted
Sweater: Thrifted
Pants: Forever21
Sneakers: Payless
Belt: Fabco

So my sister finally let me style her after me bugging her for about like a month!!(I guess it's the Easter spirit) I've always been a fan of her simplicity! 
Shirt: Old Navy
Blazer: Thrifted
Skirt: H&M
Flats: Old Navy
Belt: Fabco

In the name of Easter

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What is your biggest dream? God longs to do more than that through you! The real question is whether or not you will believe it, receive it, share it and then give him the glory for it!

My Prayer...

God, you are glorious, generous, and gracious. You have blessed me physically and spiritually with so many wonderful touches of your grace. I praise you for your faithfulness. I thank you for your grace. I exalt your name above every other name and hold it as a personal treasure. Please be glorified in me -- my speech, may actions, my influence, my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.